But wait! Isn't contentment like after Thanksgiving dinner when you push back from the table (finally!), full and with the turkey beginning to work on your brain? Don't we call babies content when they are quiet and smiling, without hunger or care in the world? I have cares. I still hunger. I still have desires. I still long to see what God will do next. I still desire to be married. I still want to know God more. I still want to be an intercessor and worshiper. But yet I'm content.
My friend Heidi said, contentment is sorta like courage. Courage isn't the absence of fear, but doing the right thing despite the fear we feel. Likewise contentment isn't the absence of desire, but choosing to be at peace where we are while desiring and having faith for where God will take us next. Or something like that.
I am at peace with where God has me; I am content with my situation; I have hope for what will come next; I have faith for the fulfillment of the desires in my heart. It's an active contentment, an active waiting.
Peace, but not passivity . . .
Contentment, but not inertia . . .
Waiting, but not without hope and faith . . .
My Daddy is so good to me!
1 comment:
Well i finally had a chance to read your blog as well...I really appriciate your thoughts. And i must admit you are quite a good writer...your thoughts on contentment made me think. I miss all our deep (and not so deep) nightly conversations. Keep pressing on...you are awesome.
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