Wednesday, September 30, 2009

More Verses


I thank You that we no longer must make daily sacrifices to cover our sin.
I thank You that animal blood is no longer spilt daily.
I thank You that I do not need a lamb or goat to take my place.
I thank You that You have made a new and living way.

I thank You that Jesus became the last needed sacrifice.
I thank You that His blood now covers me & was spilt once for all.
I thank You that Jesus took my place.
I thank You for life abundant & new.
I thank You that I have been made a new creation in Christ Jesus,
through His death & resurrection, His sacrifice.


Do we sing,
just because we like to sing?
Do we sing,
just to hear the sound of our own voices?
Do we dance,
just to feel our bodies move?
Do we dance,
just to hear someone say "did you see her dance?"?

Or do we sing
to bring You praise
because You're worthy?
Do we sing
to wage war
on the curse?
Or do we dance
to delight You
because You glory in us?
Do we dance
to break open the heavens
that You might come down?

Will we sing and dance for Your ears and eyes only?

Are we doing what we do here
just for the praise of men?
Or are we doing what we do
because it makes You smile?
Are we doing what we do here for You alone;
are You alone who we see?

If no one else were here,
would we still sing & dance?
If we had no tune, no rhythm,
would we still sing to release the captives?
If we had no grace, no beauty,
would we still dance to break off chains?

Let our song & dance
be intercession
that rises as a pleasing aroma
to Your throne in heaven.
Let our song & dance
be song & dance of war
that we would be Your soldiers
breaking through the defenses.

Make us Your singing & dancing warriors!

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