Journal Entry:
"Behind what could be seen as just a good performance with excellent vocals, can I hear the heartbeat of heaven and the pain in my Daddy's heart? His heart breaks for His daughters, ravished and beaten, broken in spirit and body by others of His creation. How He longs to bring restoration and freedom, SALVATION! to lives broken and torn. That's the whole reason Jesus came: to restore relationship and break the curse that has led us to so cruelly defraud each other. He came to call us who now know Him, who have been freed, to go to those still in bondage and release them in Jesus' name. Daddy needs us; He calls us to respond; to hear the heartbeat of heaven and feel the pain He feels, the pain the broken feel and carry it as our very own."
"Will I yield my heart to feel the pain He feels, to feel the pain the world feels as it cries to be released from the curse? Will I yield my heart to take their place and approach the throne of heaven to entreat for their restoration and release?"
Can you feel the ache in His heart? More and more, my prayer is "Daddy, let me feel what you feel? I want to know Your heart." I can muster up only so much love, only so much compassion. As days pass into weeks, I see my love and compassion fade so quickly. But His never ends. I want His love and compassion in my heart, that from a place of brokenness, I can carry the burdens of others as if they truly were my own burdens. His love in my heart, His compassion flowing in my veins, His tears flowing from my eyes . . . for a world torn apart by the curse of sin and death.
Let hope and truth burst forth! May His kingdom be enforced on earth as it is heaven. Daddy, find my heart and body a willing vessel to be Your hands, feet, and heart to a hurting world.
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